Link Fire SEO

White Label SEO and Link Building Services

It is a courteous gesture to show your gratitude when you get a link for your website. You can call it as “link gratitude”.

Ways to show your link gratitude

It all starts with a mail to the site owner as thanks for adding your link. After this, you can do anything from below that will benefit the-

  • Do an SEO audit for their site
  • Help them find and fix their SEO issues such as 404 pages, broken links, etc.
  • Follow and share their posts and pages.


Links gratitude has 2-way benefits-

  1. For the linking site: They get free SEO insights for their website. Also, when you share their content they get a new audience.
  2. For you: When these websites will perform good, your link on their site will become even more valuable. You may develop relationships that will benefit you for long.

It is not necessary that you will see the results instantly. But your kind and friendly gesture might get you some long-lasting professional relationships that will help you in the long run. They will always give you priority whenever they want to add an external link on their page.

This link building strategy works best with bloggers. Suppose a blogger wants to collaborate with you but you can not afford the charges, you can offer them a free SEO audit and give them some tips that can help to improve their website rank.

Benefits of link gratitude

  1. You get an opportunity to develop relationships with leading websites for a long time.
  2. This professional relationship will give you more exposure to more marketing platforms.